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Micro Rain's innovative engineering and rugged construction provides the best option for traveling irrigation reels.  Our industry leading turbine drive system lies at the heart of the Micro Rain traveler making it the clear choice for durable and reliable portable irrigation where you need it.....and when you need it!  The Check out our complete line of turbine drive traveling sprinklers to discover the benefits of owning a Micro Rain system today!

Discover the MICRO RAIN Advantage

Unique Design Since its inception, KID Group has been a distributor of unique irrigation and turf maintenance products.  Our goal is to offer customers the most dependable, convenient irrigation products while providing unparalleled customer service.




EngineeringTo further our goal, we have developed a turbine-driven traveling sprinkler that operates using almost any water source.  The engineering and design of the Micro Rain sprinkler has proven to be simple, reliable, and cost effective for our customers.  The Micro Rain line features a broad range of sizes to accommodate a variety of settings for portable irrigation.



InventoryMicro Rain systems are created with components from expert manufacturers throughout the world.  The systems are assembled with precision, water-tested and packaged for shipping at our facility in Yukon, Oklahoma.  We have a large inventory to ensure product and parts availability at all times and our central location allows us to provide timely and affordable shipping methods when orders are placed.